Рабочий чит для Combat Arms Next how to use: 1.Start Hack 1.1 open any injector u want, u must know ur self how to use it! ( for win7 / vista open as admin) 1.1.1 u can use the Stealth injection by GordonSYS Loader 1.2 do NOT start combat arms 1.3 open my activator 1.4 enter ur 1.4.1 USERNAME(Not the ID like GordonLoader) 1.4.2 PASSWORD 1.5 if login was succes press the enable button and do NOT close the window 1.7 now u can start combat 2.Use the hack 2.1 Hotkeys are 2.1.1 Fly Left ALT(MENU) 2.1.2 Hover Left SHIFT 2.1.3 Elevator-up NUMPAD + 2.1.4 Elevator-down NUMPAD - 2.1.5 Map zero point teleport(need enabled Elevator) HOLD NUMPAD5 2.2 Telekill and OPK choosing random PLAYERS(not enemies) 2.2.1 If u using OPK, the Player is into ur body 2.3 Crosshair 10 included Colors, else u can modify it in the Colors menu 2.3.1 Crosshair-Size have 5 values 2.4 Cam position(aka Virtual Jump/Down) 2.4.1 Value 1 UP 2.4.2 Value 2 DOWN 2.4.3 Enabled after pressing CTRL 2.5 Glitcher(aka Super Speed) often not working, im sorry for this 2.6 Working on EU/NA